Coach & Astrologer

I have all the capacity to create, bring to life, and destroy for the better.
When these impulses are pure I magically enrich my life such as the life of my beloved ones.

Nourish you inner connection and find joy, stamina and direction.

The aliveness is your barometer.

Let me introduce myself.
I am guiding and empowering you to rediscover the inner connection with yourself and remain in a state of centeredness throughout daily turbulences.

The more we nourish ourselves by becoming aware of our wholistic nature the easier it is to define our standpoint and make long lasting changes.

Being a mom myself I truly honour and hold high this precious transition time into parenthood.

The first years have been a struggle just finding my authentic stand as a parent in this modern society.

The desire to investigate and share with other people what has been the most precious and life changing learning to me never expired.

Therefor I became a certified Coach and call myself an eternal student of daily life!

I work with people and parent´s who want to deepen their relationships by focussing and improving their own connection with themselves.

This requires courage and the willingness to grow.

No single-man is an rigid entity always staying the same. Whether the relationship with our partner or with our children this experience can be such a beautiful entrance to evolve in ways we would´nt without them.

If we have figured out how to relate to ourselves and remain centered we can always trust our wisdom to guide us, is what I have come to be remembered of every single day.

We long for that connection with ourselves.

After reflecting and working with my story of what I carry and bring into whatever relationship - bit by bit I could shed light onto unconscious behaviours and patterns that made it difficult to enjoy the pureness of this encounter with another one.

I caught myself projecting or overreacting. Of course I could not see more clearly the negative side to it - I discovered and explored beautiful wisdom stored within ready to guide me through these moments of uncertainty.

I had power when needed, been attentive and could relate out of an inner state of awareness rather than simply reacting to whatever shows up.


Find your unique stand, nourish yourself and then do the dance, integrating and remembering aspects of your being.

This is when relating becomes magical - we no longer only do the work, we get on the stage and make different choices.

It is never too late to start nor is it ever a waste of time to connect to yourself.

Be ready and become a part of this wonderful community that chooses aliveness to be the standard.


Evolutionary Astrology.

No, I am not into any simple cookbook describtion of your sun sign or planets. Your birth chart is a complex and unique blueprint of your soul´s evolution.

Where you come from, with all experiences and gift´s familiar to you, as well as where you are heading toward and what needs your focus are topics we speak about.

And guess what?!
The poeple you name your close ones have some special gifts for you and this contract has been made a long time ago.

You have to be willing to grow into full size rather than filling the space you have been given.
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